Ethics and sustainability 



At Michel's Jewellery, we take great care to ensure that all of pieces are produced with a focus on sustainability and ethical practise. Producing all Michel’s Jewellery pieces in house gives us complete control over the entire process, from sourcing and production to setting, finishing and packaging.


All of our used metals are recycled for reuse. This means that we are able to cut down on the amount of new gold 

Any new gold that we use across all of our pieces is verified as 100% pure Australian gold. We are guaranteed this as we use a single source which refines and manufactures solely Australian gold. We are proud to consistently provide quality and consistency in this sense, along with a guarantee of sustainable and ethical mining and refining practise in line with our brand ethos.


All diamonds we source are GIA certified, and are sourced only on the guarantee that they have been sourced and cut in line with UN regulated guidelines regarding ethical and sustainable practise.